MOHA Tefra High Frequency Ozone Therapy
The Tefra high frequency ozone therapy is a process that has been highly reassured in everyday practice. Very few naturopathic therapies that use apparatus are established as long as the Tefra high frequency therapy. The high frequency therapy is one of the electro-physical, non-invasive treatment types and has the following biological effects: With the help of the electrodes, a mechanical massage effect is achieved, which is further increased by the electricity. In a pointed application, the effect can be medically used, for example when removing warts, similar to a laser emitter. In addition, the Rays and the laser energy kill germs.
Frequent areas of application for Tefra high-frequency therapy are: acute injuries, chronic pain conditions associated with joint diseases, rheumatic complaints, tendon sheath inflammation, hay fever, asthma inflammation in the area of the ears and nose
sinuses, acne, eczema, ulcers, neurodermatitis.